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Date honey, date syrup, date molasses or silan, is a thick dark brown, very sweet fruit syrup extracted from dates. It is widely used in North African and Middle Eastern cooking.

Date syrup is rich in the monosaccharides glucose and fructose, and so most of its sugar content is absorbed into the bloodstream in the mouth, meaning that it raises the blood glucose levels more efficiently and immediately than other syrups. It is therefore highly suitable for people suffering from hypoglycemia, or for those with sucrose intolerance or those with pancreatic problems who have difficulty absorbing disaccharides.

Date syrup is higher in magnesium and potassium than some natural sweeteners such as
maple syrup and honey and so has been a popular alternative to sugar in recent years. It is also rich in antioxidants due to its high phenolic and flavonoid content and has been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory activity.

“So I have come down to deliver them from the power of the Egyptians, and to bring them up from that land to a good and spacious land, to a land flowing with milk and honey” Exodus 3: 8 – The honey that the Bible talks about is actually Date honey, date syrup

TIP; You can mix date honey and raw Tehini (ratio of 1:1 or according to your taste) and create a very delicious Halva spread, try that !

We offer the date syrup in non breakable plastic bottles of 359 grams (12.7 oz)



Israeli honey made of Date Syrup (Silan), squeeze bottle, non breakable

$20.00 Regular Price
$18.00Sale Price
1 Ounce
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